If you’re anything like us, you live in your suit all summer long. Follow these simple tips to extend the lifespan of
your T9 suit.
1) Rinse out promptly - Sunscreens, lotions, chlorine, perspiration and body oils can all do a number on the
resilience of swim fabric elasticity, so prompt cleaning is important.
2) Hand-wash with mild soap - The agitator of a washing machine can stretch out a suit. Use a mild liquid soap
to keep colors bright (in a pinch, a dab of shampoo will do).
3) Lay it flat to dry - Avoid the temptation to wring out every last drop of water or hang up a wet suit. Roll
it up in a clean dry towel and lay it flat to dry (and out of direct sunlight).
4) Rotate swimsuits - Fabrics with spandex have the ability to “bounce back” after drying. So bring more than
one suit and give each one 24 hours to completely dry after washing.
5) Lay a towel down - Watch out for rough surfaces that can snag or pill a suit, like wooden benches and
concrete. Once damaged, swim fabric cannot be repaired.
6) Designate a hot tub suit - Hot water is bad for swim fabric, and so are the chemicals used in chlorine and
bromine. If you hot tub a lot, use the same suit every time (and avoid using one of your favorites)